1.an economic situation in which everyone who is available for work has a job
1.The orthodox view was that investment adjusts to the full employment level automatically via the rate of interest.
2.What Keynes pointed out was that this picture is incomplete if you allow for the possibility that the economy is not at full employment.
3."The Dynamics of Full Employment" provides a new and fresh approach to the question of full employment in contemporary society.
4.It follows that full employment-, adequate wages, and a healthy environment ought to be the common sense goals of global economy.
5.He remarked: "I doubt if we have had any recent [peacetime] experience of a boom so strong that it led to full employment. "
6.His stark conclusion was that full employment had rarely been achieved in peacetime except in rare periods of exuberance.
7.Much of the Pacific coast, where farmers export asparagus, grapes and a plateful of other products, enjoys full employment.
8.The harmonious society is the aim of our Party, and full employment it one of the pillars for maintaining social harmony.
9.Although the Fed is bound to pursue stable prices and full employment, it has wide latitude in how it defines those goals.
10."It would be a full-employment act for lawyers, " says Lou Crandall of Wrightson ICAP, a research firm.